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Tuesday 31 January 2012 @ 07:38 | 0 Comment [s]

hmm,aku rendu dy  :'D
rendu budak nakal yg banyak mult cam gegurl !
bile ckp tak henti . yg suke nyanyi tanpe dimnta  :'D
hmm,rendu smua tu ah . tpy ........
knpa dtkdrkan dy lupe ?
knpa dy harus lpe aku  :')
dah due hary aku col dy . tpy dy still same .
tak ingt aku . tpy care dy ckp tak brubh  :)
still same mcm dlu . cam budak-II !
  hmm,ats tue pic last dy yg aku simpan  :DD
HAHA,dlu budak skolah . mmg lah rmbt pndk kan .
skrg rmbt dy bapak ah pnjang  :DD
tpy sy suke  >.<
hope dy ingt aku blk . tak prnh lpe knangn lame dgn dy .
oke,i cant lie with myself . still love captl AD .
slh aku jgk ptskn dy dlu .
so,smpai skrg tak blh lpe . oke,aku ptt trma smua nie .
hope kau epy ehh gegurl !

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